Monday, March 28, 2011

10th Grade Finished Macbeth Scene Projects are due.

If you haven't given me your final draft, you need to today. It's already late!

9th Graders! Your Puppet Show needs to be recorded today!

We will be editing them in class on Wednesday! I also need a copy of your final draft with MLA formatting and stage direction.

Monday, March 21, 2011

10th Graders: Final Drafts of Scripts Due Tuesday

Be prepared to film (costumes, props, etc.)

9th Graders! Typed scripts (with stage direction) are due at the end of class.

Once you have completed your script, put it in MLA format.

MLA Heading:(Names, Mr. Kearl, English 9, 21 March 2011)
Times New Roman
Double Space
12 point font

Also, italicize all stage direction and bold all names.

Email a copy to my email address:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10th Graders, Final Drafts of Scripts Due Tuesday 3/22

In order to receive credit for your final draft of your script, you must:

1. Make sure it's typed
2. Make sure it's revised
3. Make sure every group member has their names on it.
4. Make sure each group member has their own copy with their parts highlighted
5. Make sure you have costumes, props, and are ready to film on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

10th Graders. Macbeth Update.

You should have read through Act I, scene v by the end of this week. You should have also finished a draft of your script, revised it in your group, and should be ready to bring props and costumes to start filming on Thursday.

9th Graders! Romeo Scripts and Reading Update

You should have read through Act II, scene iii by the end of this week. You should also have your modernized film script in your notebook. Talk to your group members if you don't know which pages you should revise.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Romeoand Juliet Puppet Show Project

Here is the directions, rubric, and outline for your first major project of the semester:

R & J Puppet Assignment Link

If you have been absent, you need to catch up with the reading. We are through ACT I of the play.

10th Grade Shakespeare Presentation Guidelines

Click on the following link to access the guidlines for your first major project of the semester. The rubric is attached as well.

Macbeth Presentation Assignment and Rubric

Below, you'll find a sample of a modernized and "blocked" script:

Modernized Script