Monday, February 14, 2011

9th Graders! Post Poems Here!

Poetry Final

Part I: Type and post poems to Kearl’s Website.• Make sure you have finished writing at least 4 of your poems. (Where I’m From…How to…Extended Metaphor…Poem in Two Voices…)
• Type and post at least 4 poems into your comment. Be sure to include your name.
• You can include an extra poem of your choice for 5% extra credit

Part II: Writing about poetry. To be completed in your English Notebook.
• Using the poem you found and wrote down in the library, write a 2 page essay describing how the writer uses literary elements (repetition, metaphors, etc.) and how those elements effect the meaning of the poem.
• Include a thesis statement and evidence from the poems to demonstrate your point. Example: In “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” Robert Frost uses the extended metaphor of seasons in order to demonstrate the brevity of life.
• Each body paragraph should quote lines from the poem that shows this literary element.
• You will turn in your notebook at the end of class on Wednesday. I will be looking for your poetry log, your organization, and your written final. This work must be done in class. Not using class time will result in a decreased grade.


  1. How To....Be A Friend
    Smiles and cries
    Giggles and laughs
    late night calls and photographs
    Be there when I'm happy
    Be there when I'm sad
    Be there forever
    That's a true friend

  2. How To....Be A Friend
    Smiles and cries
    Giggles and laughs
    late night calls and photographs
    Be there when I'm happy
    Be there when I'm sad
    Be there forever
    That's a true friend -Adela Alvarado

  3. Where I'm From
    I'm from baby dolls and barbies
    I'm from being called short alot and wanting to be a cop when I grew older.
    I'm from watching Spongebob cartoons early in the morning.
    I'm from late night games of hide and seek and duck-duck-goose.
    I'm from being read Clifford books by my older brother at night. -Adela Alvarado

  4. Extended Metaphor
    Flowers in the garden.
    Soft warm sand between your toes.
    Mom's sweet homemade apple pie.
    A bright sunny day in Seattle.
    My puppy chasing his tail.
    Yellow ducklings in a little pond.
    -Adela Alvarado


    anger, like a fire,
    like walking on needles,
    eating sour candy,
    like a fire on something
    you love, like a polar
    bear, black like cement
    -Haling Kennedy

  6. Where I'm from

    I'm from barbie dolls and toy barns
    I'm from capture the flag in the dark and kick the can.
    I'm from loud country music and Jack Johnson.
    I'm from siga sticks on summer nights.
    I'm from Lizzie Mguire, Dragon tales and Even Steven.
    I'm from long nights of reading series of unfortunate events.
    I'm from wanting to be a skater when I grow up. I'm from car crashes and moving all over.
    Where I'm from.


    Seweet roses and chocolate.
    A warm fuzzy blakent.
    The sweetest cholate ever
    tasted by a person.
    Hugs and kisses by a
    warm fire. Cuddleing close
    together. Warm bright pinks
    and velvet soft reds hearts.


    Yesterday Yesterday
    We fouhgt We fought
    We got over
    We're happy We're happy
    I think I know
    Moving on
    On to tomorrow

    Lizzy Ellsworth


    you are so rude! you are so rude!
    i hate it when we fight
    then stop fighting!

    i dont get why you
    talked about me
    because she asked!
    so you had to answer?
    it's all your fault! it's not my fault!
    we used to be so close
    what happened?
    you talked bad about me!
    i didn't mean for it
    to get around
    i can't trust you anymore. fine.
    -Halina Kennedy


    i'm from barbie dolls and color crayons
    i'm from volleyball with savannah
    i'm from rock music
    i'm from twix and skittles
    i'm from sponge bob
    i'm from 9-11-01
    i'm from being read picture books
    i'm from wanting to be a singer
    i'm from my brother breaking his back
    -Halina Kennedy

  9. Happy

    Walking on the sand in
    california the sun's
    blazing hot skin turns brown
    from blazing sun the
    salt from tge blue sea big
    waves hitting the rocks
    barking and runnung on
    the hot sand waters bright
    sea blue.

    -Alyssa Upchurch

    Im from a kitchen and i pretend to cook
    im from 9/11 And i crashed
    NSYC and britney spears are my heros
    I eat sweedish when i play with my toys
    I play with barbies in a doll house
    Where am i from?

    -Alyssa Upchurch

    Poems of two voices

    You lost my paper
    no i didnt
    Yes i did you didnt turn it in

    Yes i did Do it again


    your wrong your wrong

    -Alyssa Upchurch and Zack Willis

  10. Poem in Two Voices
    U always think ur right. U always think ur right.
    All u do is judge me.
    U do everythinng wrong.
    U get in trouble constantly.
    U don't understand me.
    U need help. U need help.
    U used to treat me U used to treat me like ur
    like a princess. father.
    It seems like I dont It seems like I'm
    matter to u. invisible to u.
    I promise things will get
    I love u dad. I love u too.

    - Adela Alvarado

  11. gun smoke all in the air people fallin evry were this is needles to eyes evry time people die fills like im cruhed to a ball cant do nothing at all but fall cant do nothing at all its like when you have a bitter taste in your mouth might as well be in hell i already fell into smoking red hot flames were like a target like a bull charging at a bright red cloth-------brandon.R

  12. Poem in Two Voices
    U always think ur right. U always think ur right.
    All u do is judge me.
    U do everythinng wrong.
    U get in trouble constantly.
    U don't understand me.
    U need help. U need help.
    U used to treat me like a princess. U used to treat me like ur father.
    It seems like I dont matter to u. It seems like I'm invisible to u.
    I promise things will get
    I love u dad. I love u too.

    - Adela Alvarado

  13. Where I'm From...

    I'm from G.I. Joes in their jeep driving through the house,
    I'm from leaving everything on the field,
    I'm from listening to The Backstreet Boys,
    I'm from asking my dad to buy a snickers bar,
    I'm from watching Tom & Jerry,
    I'm from watching 9/11 on the news,
    I'm from reading Where the Sidewalk ends,
    I'm from wanting to be in the Army,
    I'm from hating Mrs. Linquist.


    Stretching in the morning,
    My mom making fresh cinnamon rolls when i wake up,
    The water in my mouth after football conditioning,
    snorkling in Hawaii in the clear water,
    a two week old puppy sleeping,
    gold I found in a cave,

    Poem of two voices

    You lost my paper
    __________________No I didn't
    Yes you did
    __________________You didn't turn it in
    Yes I did
    __________________Do it Again
    Your wrong________Your wrong

    How to make my mom proud

    Breakfast in bed,
    cleaning the house,
    massaging her shoulders and head,
    getting rid of the mouse.

    Being nice to her,
    go to the store for her,
    cut the dogs fur,
    kick the cat that won't stop its pur.

    -Zack Willis

  14. I'm From
    I'm from toy story
    I'm from The original box
    I'm from a muddy field
    I'm from chocolate and gummy bears
    I'm from bikini bottom flipping krabby patties
    I'm from Eragon
    I'm from a plane flown through the twin towers
    I'm from sweet child o' mine and Thunderstruck
    I'm from not seeing my parents seperating
    How To Make Cereal
    Walk in the kitchen
    Grab the box
    open the box
    pour the contents into bowl
    add milk and spoon
    eat and enjoy
    The moment the rain stops
    Hershey's Chocolate
    A pillow to rest on
    A small person laughing
    puppies wrestling together
    a clear sky of blue
    Poem in Two Voices
    I am peter I am Chris
    I am poor I am rich
    I have problems I have problems
    My family My parents
    My wants My wants
    Unfullfilled fullfilled
    I am 15 I am 14
    I want food on the table I want my parents
    I lay awake hungry I lay awake sad
    My hope My friend
    My parents My love
    carries me through carries me through

    -Anthony Miller

  15. Poem in two voices....
    "BFFs Forever"
    By Jackie Lemus
    I thought we'd be friends forever
    But I guess people change
    I can't stand liars
    And you lied
    I wish we'd never met
    BFFs forever
    That's what I thought we'd be
    Can't believe you lied
    I'm sick of your lies
    Just admit it!
    I don't need explanations
    Just leave me alone, liar!
    BFFs forver?
    Pshh, whatever

    Extended metaphor poem...
    By Jackie Lemus

    Death rotting underground
    Knifes stabbing your heart
    Dead squirrel on the road
    Stab on the chest with a saw
    Helpless bunny in woods
    Black hole with no return

    Where I'm from...
    By Jackie Lemus

    I'm from teddy bear land under my bed
    From the nintendo 64 on top of my old TV
    I'm from the Spongebob skateboard sitting on the side of my bed yelling my name to skateboard outside
    I'm from super Mario Bros and the fireballs thrown at Browser
    I'm from Donkey Kong hidden under my pillow, because my dad would get mad if I played it
    I'm from the late afternos in the park, kicking the soccer ball across the field
    From the smll green ball bouncing back and forth, across the net
    I'm from hiding behind the bushes, waiting to be seeked by my cousins
    I'm from the backyard on our house jumping rope with Sayra, and from the Saturday mornings singing to Dora The Explorer & Spongebob
    I'm from Saturday mornings and the Laffy Taffys, Mento's, Twizzelers, & Cotton candy
    From the gummy bears hidden in my magical Spongebob backpack
    I'm from the 6AM mornings, getting up to see Dora, Spongebob, Blue's Clues, and Cat & Dog
    I'm from the morning of September 11th, and the crying and screaming knowing my favorite aunt had died in her job
    I'm from the late nights not being able to sleep
    Having the cat in The Cat In The Hat help me sleep
    From the dreaming to be Spongebob as an adult

    How to.....poem
    By Jackie Lemus

    How to be a lady is frustrating
    Walk straight
    One leg after the other
    How to be a lady stinks
    Cross your legs while sitting
    Wear dresses and heels
    Smile and wave
    How to be a lady is boring
    Moma always said, "You gotta be a lady. Ladies do not play soccer!
    How to be a lady!?!?!?!
    Don't play sports, don't talk back, get married, have children
    Too much that I can't handle
    How to be a lady stinks

  16. My poems by Natalie Mitchell

    Where I'm from
    I'm from barbies, polly pockets, and collecting stuffed animals
    I'm from late night games of hide and seek, and tag
    I'm from spending everyday with my best friend Solomon, whos like a brother to me
    I'm from Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys
    I'm from twix, jelly beans, and the fruity taste of razzles
    I'm from blues clues,and the excitement of nickelodeon
    I'm from the devistating crash, planes flying into buildings the day before my birthday
    I'm from teachers reading out loud, with the magic tree house in their hand
    I'm from listening to music, and wanting to become a dancer
    I'm from being the short girl everyone makes fun of, the quiet one no one understands.

    How to
    How to be a better person
    Don't talk down to me, don't backstab
    When your mad, tell me. Don't hold it in
    I want to know what is wrong with you, why don't you show it?
    Are you trying to make my life difficult?
    When I try to talk to you, don't ignore me
    Don't treat me badly, don't hurt my feelings
    I was so good to you, yet you did not return the favor
    I help you all the time, I'm there when you need me
    But when I need you are you ther? Never
    I guess you'll just make me your slave forever.

    Dirt, a pitch black forest.
    Cold metal door, rusted.
    One year old rotten food.
    Smoke clouds ending a path.
    Wolf prowling in the woods.
    Moss covering the forest.

    Two voices
    Why did you say that about me?________Why did you say that about me?
    I heard what you did, and I believed it.________Just because you heard it doesnt mean its true!_________Well I dont care, I'm going to tell everyone._________Why would you want to ruin my life?________Because your stupid, and a horrible friend.___________Well you were a waste of my time anyways._____I hate you.______I hate you.

    Natalie Mitchell

  17. I'm from legos, sprawled
    across the dirty floor.
    I'm from the GameBoy Advance
    and the revving engine of Mario Cart.
    I'm from summer games of baseball,
    from the swish of the small basketball,
    from the cheers of my family after my first goal!
    I'm from the speakers of the hunky T.V.
    playing the Dragon Tales theme song all day long.
    I'm from the mixed skittles and gummy snacks.
    I'm from the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
    I'm from the commotion and drama.
    I'm from the room where I spent days
    reading the "Magic Treehouse" series.
    I'm from the dream of being Ash someday.
    I'm from the crazy childhood...
    But its mine!

    -Andrew Reunanen

  18. How To...

    Private match,
    One v. One
    It is time for quickscope fun!
    30 kills, on the map Rust
    Interventions from dawn til' dusk.
    Minescule health, for One-Shot Kills
    But no camping on the hills
    Radar on and killstreaks off
    Final kill, 360* off...
    the top

    - Andrew Reunanen

  19. how to annoy a teacher

    show up to class loud, late, and all about

    with headphones in and pants sagged down

    make sure to talk to every girl on you way to your seat

    when you hear theres a test you throw a fit and start to cry

    if the teacher leaves remember to hide his stuff like a laptop

    after all that go right a story about it and maybe he'll smile

  20. Where I’m from
    I'm from legos bikes and monopoly
    I'm from Mountlake Terrace swimming, and basketball
    I'm from skittles and Hershey bars
    I'm from Jimmy Neutron and Captain Planet
    I’m from African American president
    I’m from Greek gods and goddesses
    I’m growing up to be a cop
    I’m from missing Pokémon episodes

    How to run a pacer
    On the first 10 times you reach there as fast as you can but not sprinting so you don’t get tired on the first 10.on the next 20 you run there and reach there right as it switches on the last 20 you sprint and dig deep so you could finish . You made it great job you finished.

    Extended metaphor
    Blood as it drips everywhere
    Lump and bruises so much pain
    Vomit tastes so bad
    Person lying down in pain
    Tiger eat to survive
    He had a big black eye

    Poem in 2 voices
    You annoy me! You annoy me!
    You’re always out
    Of your seat bothering
    Other students
    You never stop giving test
    And keep going on and on
    During class taking away
    My IPod and Cell phone

    Your super annoying!! Your super annoying!!
    I’m here for you to
    Succeed in life
    I’m not here for nothing
    I’m here for your learning
    You have nothing to do
    But make test and watch
    We fail our test
    You don’t get or do
    Anything during the hour
    And a half you are in here


    -Anthony TUong

  21. Extended Metaphor

    Confusion inside me
    Nova gas is the smell
    Sky diving through the clouds
    I taste mystery gum
    Stuck being nova raed
    Chicken with its head gone
    Grey and yellow, confused.

    - Andrew Reunanen

  22. how to annoy a teacher By George Hinds

    show up to class loud, late, and all about

    with headphones in and pants sagged down

    make sure to talk to every girl on you way to your seat

    when you hear theres a test you throw a fit and start to cry

    if the teacher leaves remember to hide his stuff like a laptop

    after all that go right a story about it and maybe he'll smile

  23. Where i am from By George Hinds

    I am from gummy worms and star bursts

    With cavities and pulled teeth

    Glued to the screens of star trek and bugs bunny

    I have been born into the era of terrorism and oil dependency

    reading goosebumps and the magic tree house

    i am part of the technological revolution

    they call us the I generation

  24. I'm From...
    Im from a cars drivers seat that was made out of plasic.
    I'm from a two religous family and had two of everything.
    I am from a person with two kids, but one egg.
    I am from a land of freedom, and where kids live and play together.
    I am from an appartment building with a court yard and kids playing four square.
    I am from a parent where she like her house cleaned everyday and likes to cook dinner and have good wine.
    I am from a country where other people from different countries fly airplans into buildings.
    I am from a family that has two religions.
    I am from a women who has loved me every single day scence I was born.

    -Zack Strauss

  25. Happiness
    By: Miles E. Tibbits

    Happiness is the best
    Smells of good tasting fruit
    Feels as a comfy bed
    It tastes refreshing
    Like a cherry Dr. Pepper
    It like a cool breeeze
    or a dark red drumset
    It makes you feel at home.

    A poem in two voices:

    Mom: Son:
    I dont care-----I dont care
    what you think----About you
    You cant drive
    its dark
    And your drunk
    No, I've only had two beers
    You cant drive--------I can drive
    You dont have a license
    You havent haved in weeks
    You'll crash
    Give me my keys
    Your ruining my life
    You hid my keys
    you sold my dog
    Even when
    We couldnt afford him-----We could afford him

    I love you but I dont want you to get hurt

    Shut the hell up

    How to Poem:
    How to get out of school:

    Call your parents to pick you up
    And fake being sick
    anything works
    As long as it makes you stay home
    first learn how to act
    Seeing is believing
    If your parents see you dont feel good
    your home free
    And if your parents ask you if you want to eat
    Say no I don't feel good and
    They will believe you more
    I hope this helped
    And got you out of school
    And mabye when your older your kids
    Will use this too

    Where I'm From:

    Im from countless lego creations
    scattered across my room
    Im from skateboarding for long hours
    Down steep hills
    Im from playing Xbox and football with myfriends
    From remote control car races
    I'm from charelston chews from Nama's Candy
    From peppermint patties
    which make you feel like
    Your on top of a mountain
    Im from playing the drums
    from blasting Ozzy Ozborne Music in my room
    I'm from watching family guy on my T.V.
    I'm from reading lightning theif books
    I'm from almot expieriencing a disaster
    I'm from being in New York when 911 happened
    I'm from moving from ALbany, New York
    I'm from Edmonds Washington

    -Miles E. Tibbits

  26. Where I'm From...
    I'm from the builders that made the giant lego spaceships,
    I'm from the generation of gaming,
    from the PS1 and fighting games,
    from the gamecube and zelda series.
    I'm from the games I played with my friend Bryan.
    I'm from the car where we listened to the radio.
    I'm from the candy stores with Hershey bars.
    I'm from the Cartoon Network and Nick stations.
    I'm from the group of people that remember 9/11.
    I'm from the listeners of the Harry Potter series,
    from the Build Your Adverture books aswell.
    I'm from the dreamers of the children,
    from the children wanting to be policemen,
    from the teens wanting to work with electronics.
    I'm from the loners of the playground.
    -Zachary Cook

    Extended Metaphor
    The calogne on a job
    seeking American.
    Rought edge of a poker
    chips in a casino.
    Delicous cake that
    still needs work. The rise
    and fall of the DOW
    market chart. Frighten
    deer running from a
    lion. The yellow sun
    showing there is still
    time to finish their
    almost done project.
    -Zachary Cook

    How to be...
    How to be a student

    Get up early,
    everything is ready for school,
    go though the doors,
    dont act like a fool.

    Make sure you study,
    your ink gets fader,
    finsh the work,
    turn in your paper.
    -Zachary Cook

    Two voices
    Student and Teacher
    You never listen, You never listen,
    To my problems. To what I teach you.
    You never listen, You never listen,
    to how I learn,
    to the lessons,
    to how I write,
    to the help,
    to how I remember,
    to the notes.
    You never listen, You never listen,
    to what I have to say,
    to the speeches.
    I need your help. I can help you.
    -Zachary Cook

  27. (Where I'm From)
    I am from barbies and lincoln logs.
    I am from a constant supply of at least 13 dolls.
    I am from a world of beanie-babies and giant bears.
    I am from monopoly and sorry, for which I alwayd defeated.
    I am from the driveway that my sister and I learned to play basketball and ride bikes.
    I am from my apartment that held games of capture the flag, baseball, or which tag every night.
    I am from "oops I Did it Again" and "Please don't go girl".
    I am from my enourmous old room that my sister and I would watch disney, Dexter and Cat Dog together in.
    I am from the floor in my living room while my mom was fixing my hair, and on the T.V the planes were crashing into the buildings and making them fall over and over.
    I am from candy corn, and rolos that I always ate with my grandma and sister.
    I am from the elephant book that I first learned how to read.
    I am from the dreams of being a doctor, a whale trainer, and an ice skater.
    I am from the church that held my grandmas funeral.
    I am from the school full of kids asking why I only have a mommy.

    (How To) Be Grown Up
    To be a grown up girl, you only have to do a few things: You have to eat all by yourself with a spoon or a fork. You have to say "please" and "thank you" and not act like a dork. You have to use the potty; no more diapers. You have to behave in public and not act too hyper. You have to follow the golden rule... hat meand no fighting. No pushing, no hitting, and especially no bitting. If you follow these rules for the rest of your days, you will find yourself happy with you life and amazed.

    Happiness (extended metaphor)
    The smell of dinner on
    the stove. The velvety
    softness of my blanket.
    The taste of baby snacks
    when she decides she wants
    to share. A smile from
    ear to ear. Watching an elephant
    have fun in a pond. The
    purple of Biebers

    (Poem in 2 voices)
    Girl Boy
    You talked to me You talked to me
    and I couldn't breathe.
    I couldn't speak so I
    just nodded.
    I wish you would say
    more than a nod or a
    yes; it's annoying.

    I'm sorry I'm sorry
    for staring at you.
    I just can't help
    for being mean to you
    when we talk

    I see you I see you
    and avoid you in the and avoid you in the
    hall because it hurts halls because I don't
    to see you. want to be around you.

    This sucks This sucks

    By: Mariah Davis

  28. TWO VOICES, erm well three.
    Mirza, Zalman, Stevana.
    Where are the snicker doodles?
    Where are the snicker doodles?
    I omnomed them.
    Screw you sir!
    Screw you sir!
    Ah, Ahh, Ahhhhhhh
    I'm leaving!
    The snickerdoodles!!!!!!!!!!! D:
    Im back...
    I thought you left?
    I thought you left?
    With food!!!!

  29. Zalman sherwood
    Where im from
    I'm from duke nukem, crash bandicoot, legos, and the infamous G I joes.
    I'm from the killers, with their killer music
    I'm from Mini m&ms from the corner store
    I'm from power rangers,tella tubies, and the hilarious laugh of sponge bob
    I'm from the tragic day of 9 11
    I'm from bareny books
    I'm from a objection yelling lawyer, ninja GI joe
    Im from my parents arguing my brother

  30. Zalman sherwood
    Perfect perfume, sudden weight
    Put upon, the taste of blood
    A constant step of danger
    Like a tiger pounce.
    Black red blue and yellow.

  31. Zalman sherwood
    How to
    How to be better,
    You need to be,
    You need to dress,
    You need to feel,
    You cant hurt,
    You cant love,
    You have to be yourself.

  32. Extended Metaphor
    The smell of a old
    house. Goosebumps rising
    on your arms and legs.
    Sour sweat running down
    a person's face. A
    pig getting ready
    for the slaughter house.
    Red splatter left on
    a crime scene.
    -Zachary Cook

  33. Extra Creadit Poem
    Miles E. Tibbits

    Tips For Playing The Drums:

    To play the drums well
    You need to be in time
    If you listen to my tips you should be just fine
    When your paying by yourself its good to try new things;
    But when your playing with a group just keep a steady beat;
    And dont loose your attention because
    You always need to stay on your feet
    And when your doing phils
    put them in once in awhile
    Because if you usr them too much you will
    Surely mess up
    So when your playing with a group keep a steady beat;
    And only play some phils so you can still stay on your feet
    -Miles E. Tibbits

  34. Extended Metaphors:

    Chocolate smell in air.
    Cool breeze waving through hair
    Sweet vanilla ice cream.
    Baby footprints in sand.
    Baby turtles birth.
    Colors in spring pics.

    - Zack Strauss

  35. How to...

    You start the car. Put it into gear and then drive away.
    You check to see what is on the radio,
    while flipping through the channels you stop on a station you like.
    The rock station, the best oldies rock ever playing in my car.

    You look down to change the air temperature in the car.
    Suddenly you look up and you realize that you are traveling-
    into your right lane then crash into an oncoming car on your left.

    The seconds you have left you remember that your life is going to be over.....

    - Zack Strauss

  36. Poem in to voices...

    Mamma, I miss you.
    I wish you can come home,
    I know it has been hard for the both of us.
    I know sweetheart.
    I want you to be by my side.
    I miss your cookin, 'cause daddy doesn't cook.
    I will becoming home soon!
    I want to be with you,
    I really want to.

    I love you! I love you!
    I miss you! I miss you!

    - Zack Strauss

  37. how to poem by clay johnson
    how to be a man

    a man plays sports
    a man hides his feelings because its nobodys damn business
    a man works hard to accomplish goals
    a man watches sports on TV
    a man goes to a bar and gets into a fight and wakes up wondering what the hell happened.
    a man has a girlfriend or wife
    a man treats women with respect
    a man raises a family
    a man if married never divorces
    a man defends his beleifs
    a man..............
    is a good person

  38. two person poem by clay johnson
    student and the teacher
    leave mea alone. i want to help you
    i hate the homework
    the tests
    all of it
    you need this
    to help your future
    to give you the life you dream of
    i dont care
    i live in the now
    just leave me alone
    let me help you
    why wont you listen?why wont you listen?

  39. extended metaphor by clay johnson

    you took yourself away
    you took yourself from us
    the ones who love you
    the ones who cared for you
    the ones who would have done anything for you

    you pulled the trigger
    i hate you for it
    i never even met you
    your memory is like a needle in a haystack now
    sometimes i cant find it
    but when i do
    it pokes me
    and makes me bleed
    you took you from me
    you were once a champion among men
    to me.....
    you are nothing


    Where I'm From
    I'm from barbie dolls
    Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny
    I'm from hundreds of appartments
    Kittens and puppies
    I'm from Disney and Spongebob.

    Perfect harmony, sudden relief.
    A sweet taste and a smile.
    Like a rainbow.
    Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple.

    How to be nice:
    Add a smile
    A small compliment
    Mix in some nice hand gestures
    Walk with your head up
    Stir in some legit happiness
    and you have been nice.

    Two voices

    I don't want you doing that.
    I do what I want
    I do it because I like it
    Why do you like it are you depressed?
    Do you need help?
    its just fun.
    Well ok then
    if your depressed tell me
    but have fun and be safe.
    I will
    thank you

  41. Poems By:
    Nathan Vulliet

    Where I'm From:

    I'm From Bionicles and Legos,
    to Hot wheels and Tinker toys.
    I'm From Baseball to Football and Wrestling,
    From Life and Monopoly to Guess who and Stratego.
    I'm From U2 and Creed
    from Country and rock
    I'm From Gummy worms and Laffy taffy to Pixie sticks,
    From Hershey's chocolate to Snickers and Reese's Peanut butter cups
    I'm From Pokemon to Yu-Gi-Oh,
    from a fighting show the Dragon ball series.
    I'm From a time of pannic and fright, 9/11/01.
    I'm From Dr Seuss to Shel Silverstein,
    from Fox in sox and The foot book to The missing piece.
    I'm From when we all wanted to be like dad.
    I'm From when my brother would always annoy me.
    I'm From a different time.

    How to...

    To be a Jedi.

    Do not love,
    Love leads to stress.
    Stress leads to anger,
    Anger leads to hate
    Hate Leads to...
    The Dark Side...

    Extended Metaphor

    Love is...

    The sweet smell of roses,
    Chocolate and perfume.
    The warmth of a tight hug
    from friends or family.
    Sweet taste of chocolate,
    on my Valentines day.
    Lots of big bright pink hearts.
    A mama Bear with its
    cubs in a big warm cave.
    Pink, red, and Purple brings
    Love on Valentines day!

    That's it.
    Thanks for reading!

  42. Extended Metaphor by George Hinds

    Jealousy makes me sweat
    like hot metal to skin
    spicy pain in my mouth
    not getting picked to play
    a man competes for love
    as do i but he wins
    jealousy is all this

  43. Poem in 2 voices by George Hinds
    I am death
    And i am Life
    and together we are one And together we are one
    I am all that breaths
    The essence of the world
    without me there is nothing
    all things good must come to an end
    i keep the scales from tipping
    if life goes unchecked then chaos will be born
    although i am all that is
    i cannot be without death
    for i will become chaos
    i am the moderator
    he who keeps balance
    the misunderstood
    without life i am nothing
    without death i am chaos
    together we are one together we are one
    or alone we are none or alone we are none

  44. Extra credit poem By George Hinds
    i am just a stuffed toy
    born to mend frowns and comfort deep down
    my brothers and sisters went with nice kids
    but i got stuck in daycare hell
    the bells are ringing and the crayons are flying
    the small feat are pounding and the big doors are slamming
    this is my day in daycare hell
    we have lands of boogers and falls of snot
    with rainstorms of juice and blizzards of barf
    this is no place for a softy like me
    they claim they love me
    but i know the truth
    tantrums and throwing are not for me!
    i dream of a day when they learn to play

  45. Dig a hole, fill it in
    dig it again, and fill it in
    jasus, whats the point
    but see how much beteryour getting at it
    so dig a hole, fill it in

    stuckin a room with smoke
    can't gget out, i can't breath
    i need to get out now,
    i curle in a corner
    then i see a window
    outside the window is,
    a bunny runned over
    theres nuthing in the room
    no light, no sky, just me
    alone, sad, filled with smoke

  46. Where I am from
    I am from pickup baseball games in my neighborhood
    I am from rainy days we stayed inside to play game cube
    I am from jumping on my trampoline
    I am from watching Lizzie Maquire
    I am from eating chewy gummy bears that I ate while starring at the television
    I am from not eating all my dinner
    I am from having and early bed time
    i am from throwing tempers
    I am from whining and crying to get my way
    I am from wanting to be older
    I am from tragedies, family deaths, and bad conclusions
    I am from watching on the news, 911
    I am from my brothers 6th grade best friend dieing in a car wreck in Idaho
    I am from realizing my Dad isn't there for me and drank too much
    I am from my mom always working and parents always fighting
    I am from going through a lot of good and bads
    But I will always be from what my mom taught me and is still teaching me in life.
    I will always be proud to say I came from my mom.
    -Cody Springer

  47. How to.
    How to keep my mom happy?
    Get good grades
    Eat all my dinner
    Don't fight with my brothers.
    Do my chores.
    Get good sleep
    Don't get drunk
    Don't smoke weed.
    Not smoking anything.
    Try my hardest
    Don't act out fro attention.
    Act my age.
    Be mature
    Help my little brother out
    Don't let her down
    I know I screw up
    A lot at that
    Too much
    But I know as long as I try
    My mom will always be happy and love me.
    -Cody Springer

  48. Sad
    Smells like old lady perfume at the funereal
    Feels miserable and helpless
    Tastes like tears running down your face to your mouth
    Looks like a pug
    It puts you down like a Seattle gray skied rainy day.
    -Cody Springer

  49. Juniour Cody
    I need you I need you
    To love me
    To leave me alone
    to want my
    and go away
    You amaze me You amaze me
    For how annoying you get
    For how lovely you are
    I want you Leave me alone.

    -Cody Springer && Juniour some?

  50. Juniour _______________Cody
    I need you ____________ I need you
    To love me
    _______________________ To leave me alone
    to want me
    _______________________and go away
    You amaze me __________You amaze me
    _______________________For how annoying you get
    For how lovely you are
    I want you ____________Leave me alone.

    -Cody Springer && Juniour some?

  51. I need You; I Need you
    To Love Me;
    To Leave me Alone
    To want me;
    An go away
    You Amaze me; You Amaze Me
    For how annoying
    For How Lovely you are;
    Id Like for you; Id like for you
    To notice me; To stay away from me
    I need you; I need you
    To stop
    To love

    Juniour Opoku-Mensah; Dakota Lee Springs <3 :)

  52. Where Im From

    Im From the place that never rains
    Im from riding my big blue bike and thinking I was all that
    Im from wearing button up shirts and khakis to a privite school to saggy jeans and white tess in public school
    Im am staying in the apartment all day every day to staying out of the house all day everyday
    Im from yelling at the speakers on TV hoping to get a reaction from one of the characters on 'Barney'
    Im from watching Rollie Pollie First thing in the Morning while waiting for my eggs
    Im from being told im a failer
    to being told im a leader
    Im from being small
    To being one of the competive and athletic people you will ever meet
    I know where im from
    I know where im going
    I am going to succeed

    -Juniour Opoku-Mensah

  53. How To Make Momma Proud

    Whatever you do, don't talk back
    Always wash the dishes whether their yours or not
    Never ever raise your voice at her
    Always make sure the house is clean
    Never ever leave the house without telling somebody
    Always call home on time to check in
    Don't ever be disrespectful to her or any other adults
    Always make sure chores are done
    Never lay a finger on her
    Always cherish her for the sweetheart she is
    Keep in mind without this woman working hard for 9 months, you wouldn't be here
    Always be willing to show her shes important
    Never ever take her for granted
    ALWAYS keep her happy.

    -Juniour Opoku-Mensah

  54. How to snowboard
    When you’re up on the slopes start out slow,
    Take a couple runs and you’re good to go.
    When you’re racing down the mountain feel the breeze,
    But you gotta remember stay clear of the trees.
    It’s always smart to board with a buddy,
    cause when you fall on your butt you could lose your money.
    After you get of the lift start boarding down,
    Pull off some tricks and stop being a clown.

    Connor Shivley

  55. Anger
    Anger smells like blood and sweat,
    It would feel red hot like burners on a stove.
    Anger would taste rotten like old milk.
    Anger makes me think of terrible things.
    If anger was an animal it would be a tiger,
    Ready to attack its prey.
    Anger reminds me of the color red,
    Like mercury in a thermometer.
    Connor Shivley

  56. Unfriendly neighbors

    Joe: I wouldn’t touch that even if I had a hazardous waste suit!
    Larry: you think I want to clean it up it’s your dog!
    Joe: how do you know it was my dog? Do you not have a life and just peek out the window all day and watch everything.
    Larry: your dog is the only one in this neighborhood besides Mrs. Smith’s dog down the street but I know for a fact her dog would never do that.
    Joe: 99% of the world doesn’t care and I ain’t gonna clean it up either.
    Joe: Ha-ha ha
    Larry: what’s so funny?
    Joe: nothing you’ll figure it out.
    Larry: you’d better pick it up if you know what’s good for you.
    Joe: oh I’m so scared, why don’t you grow a pair and pick it up I’m freezing my tail off!
    Larry: Nah you pick it up I don’t leave trash in your yard and that doesn’t give your dog the right to either!
    Joe: I’ve had enough I’m goin inside have fun cleaning the dog crap off your lawn, oh by the way you stepped in it like five minutes ago.

    Connor Shivley

  57. Where I’m from
    I’m from milk duds and paydays.
    I’m from Dr. Pepper and Doritos.
    I’m from G.I Joe’s and James Bond on Nintendo 64.
    I’m from Legos and model trains.
    I’m from hot wheels and match box races.
    I’m from SpongeBob and Scooby Doo.
    I’m from hanging with family and shooting pool.
    I’m from baseball and playing the drums.

    Connor Shivley

  58. Im from stuffed animals and dolls in the playground
    Im from marco poloand hide and seek wo=ith my friend jessica
    I liked the way mexican music makes me feel like dancing
    Im from a store full with gummy bears and chocolates
    Im from a land of spongebob squarepants and powerpuff girls
    Im from the book cat the cat
    Im from the time of princess
    Im from a place where i had to leave my family in mexico.

    dulce hernandez

  59. Valentine's day is a live day, love is the color red like, your heart that reminds you of tasting your favorite chocolates when you, kissed that special person you feel, butterfly in your stomachs that you, feel it's smells like fresh perfume, love reminds you of newborn babies.

    dulce hernandez

  60. Howcome i feel the way i feel?
    Why do i know my love for you is real?
    What to do, now i know my love is true?
    To another person you belong.
    And i know, that i was like wrong.
    But i have no regretm
    Only sometimes i wish we had never met
    I really can't help how i feel,
    And i hope the things you said were real.
    You still have my heart,
    Please, please don't let it fall apart

    dulce hernandez

  61. I'm from Barbies and Play Dough
    And the reason I did everything was because my
    Mom said so.
    I am from the original Nintendo
    Play Duck Hunt and Super Mario with my bro.
    I am from Gargoyles on Saturday mornings
    And watching "Hey Arnold" on my blow up couch As if the world had no other meaning but to Watch all day.
    I am from spending all day at grandmas or Auntie Tammies house with my favorite cousin
    Playing Batman and Superman tackling the evil One "Grandpa".
    I am from the drama and violence of divorce
    And broken hearts crying late at night.
    I am from the world of Volleyball and picking It over family events.
    I am from Lafyy Taffy getting stuck on my teeth as if it was holding on a little bit longer.
    I am from the stressing childhhood known as my life.
    -Jasmine Milus

  62. How to..

    This whole play ddepends on you.
    Heres the perfect pass from your libero.
    "Outsiiiide", "One one", "RED!!"
    Who to set? Right foot forward hands ball shaped
    Step in, push it, extend..
    Pushing out and following through your super Focused as if something is taking over your body.
    You see your outside hitter lay down the ball.
    AHHH KILL!!! Job complete.
    Now we do it again.

    -Jasmine Milus

  63. Extended Metaphor.

    Ecstatic all the time.
    Smells like sweet Apple Pie.
    Has the feeling of when
    You by a brand new toy.
    Has the taste of sweetness.
    Gives the image of
    Hyping up for game day.
    Animals like otters
    Colors like bright yellow.

    -Jasmine Milus

  64. Poem in two voices

    Make me a Sandwitch
    No Ham bitch
    But why?
    Why do you have to wine all the time
    Im a girl
    Exactly, so go make me a sandwitch.

    -Jasmine M and Andrew R.


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