Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Poems You Need Typed By Next Wedensday (9th Grade) or Thursday (10th Grade)

1. Where I'm From...
2. How To...
3. Extended Metaphor
4. Personal Narrative Poem
5. Poem in Two Voices


  1. where Im from poem

    i am from Neopets
    and smash brothers
    on the Nintendo 64
    i am from claws
    and swords with
    my bestfriend damein
    i am from Barney
    and going outside
    pretending that raindrops
    were really made of chocolate
    i am from Dragonball z
    pretending to fly and
    having gold spyked hair
    i am from a school
    that made me dress up
    for every school day
    i am from 9-11 that
    made me scared of riding
    a plane for years
    i am from the animal
    encyclopedia my dad
    gave me the long hours
    i spent reading and
    observing every colorful picture
    i am from watching
    It the killer clown
    I am from playing outside riding
    my bike until the sun set
    and it was time to
    go to bed.

  2. i think i should get extra credit for being the first one haha

  3. Depression

    cold room with no sunshine
    like rotten milk with cereal
    baby bear crying for hes mama
    like being stung by a thousand bee's
    rotten fruit on the dinner table
    black with red and a pinch of pink

  4. luis hernandez, jorge,ivanFebruary 16, 2011 at 9:42 PM

    hey hey
    wuts up wanna
    go to the movies
    lets go then!!!!!!
    :D yey we can
    go watch that
    justin bieber
    hell no!!!!!! movie
    i hate him!! >:/
    deuces deuces


  5. narrative poem

    when i was ten
    i was very creative
    and persuative
    i cant fathom all the
    crazy things i did

    I use to have thirteen
    dogs big and small
    they were hard to
    take care of

    I used to have
    and imagenery friend
    but i cant remember
    hes name

    i would play soccer
    all day with my friends
    and eat candy all day
    i hated food.

  6. How too poem

    How to make my daughter proud

    Buy her clothes,
    buy her toys,
    pay the bills,
    pay the rent.
    Tie her shoes
    make her clothes
    make her room

    Do her proud
    do your work
    get the money
    make her happy
    until your done
    there's no stopping

  7. Extended Metaphor poem

    Smelling like decade food
    walking farther and farther
    Plain water in your mouth
    people avoiding you
    Running from the water
    Gray clouds in the sky lid

  8. Narrative poem

    I come from a long line of Serbians
    Rivals towards Bosnians
    no end to war
    no end to drugs
    no end to violence

    Like a war that never stops
    Like a rabbit in a mine field

    In this war, we will never win
    but why win, what is this victory
    about is this so called win

    I would hide from this war,
    this war that never ends
    until someone realizes
    there's no need for war

  9. Nikola Petrovic, Ryan Hess, Austin PuhlFebruary 16, 2011 at 10:26 PM

    Poem in 2 voices

    Stop fighting!



    we shouldn't be fighting
    we should be chilling

    so who cares?

    I do!

    Instead of fighting
    you two should be having fun

    Playing ball


    Being friends

  10. Where I'm from poem

    I'm from a nintendo consol
    I work as a consol
    I play as a consol
    I break as a consol

    Basketball is my game
    shoot the ball
    hoop the ball
    make the ball

    Music is my thing
    dance like you just don't care
    Hip-hop like you mean it

    Ring ring ring
    911 answering call
    police helps everyone

    Hopping is everything i want
    hops oh hops
    jump oh jump


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